May 10th, we left Meyer’s Chuck for a Santa Anna Inlet, the sight of a former cannery. Not much evidence of the cannery was left.

Darwin Sound and Whistler were the only boats in the inlet. Monty dropped our crab trap.
The next morning we had some success, keeping three legal male dungeness crabs.

We headed for Berg Bay. In the bay is a cabin available to rent for $35/night. A small boat with three men aboard arrived and tied to the small park float and went ashore for the night.

Another fresh crab dinner was enjoyed with Al and Irene in our enclosed cockpit, otherwise known as the “solarium”.
In the morning, the temperature inside our cabin was the coldest we had experienced since it snowed on our boat south of Klemtu. Condensation coated the hatches. I ran around with a few microfibre rags to try to wipe off the moisture.

Thick fog filled the bay when we woke.

As the fog lifted, fresh snow on the peaks was revealed. We dinghied ashore with Al & Irene.

They led us on a 15-20 minute trail through the forest to an estuary.

Along the trail, we heard bird song, identifying Orange-crowned Warblers, Townsend’s Warblers and Pacific Wrens using the Merlin App. Below snap shots of some plants and flowers.

It was low tide in the estuary. A couple pairs of Canada Geese were nesting in the estuary.

After our short hike, we headed for Wrangell. Al called and alerted us to migrating Surf Scoters.

They filled a cove. An eagle flew over the flock making many scoters to take to the air.

Apologies for being so tardy get this posted. We have not had much access to internet recently.
Next up, Wrangell.