As we left Ketchikan for Meyer’s Chuck, Monty went to stow the fenders and in one of the kayaks was the fender we had thought we had lost. A good news story! I was vindicated!
We had some wind from behind. Al & Irene were, as always, keen to sail. We followed suit.

They even got wing on wing using their pole for a time. We didn’t try.

After 32NM, we docked on a public dock in Meyer’s Chuck. A substantial public wharf is available to visiting and local boats. We hope it does not become full with local yachts as it is such a convenient stop over for transient boats on their way north.

Later in the day, two French flagged yachts, a catamaran and an Allure 45 tied up.

Irene & Al took the opportunity to do some cardio walking up and down the steep ramp at low tide. Their goal was 10 up and downs. Monty joined them, sprinting up a few times to tax his lungs. I followed with a camera gear around my neck and deposited them on a bench before participating.

There are many quaint features around the dock and on shore.

We took a stroll, me with our Alaska-ready boots, on the trail along the shoreline. It was marked with signage to the beach and to indicate private property winding passed a number of residences, mostly unoccupied at the time. We arrived at a beach which a small island at the end. No one was home at the house on the island, but it was a beautiful secluded setting with strong currents running below them.

View from the deck of this private island cabin.

There were many cabins both old, new and under construction around the Chuck. We met the owner from Seattle of one of the large yachts on the dock who said he was building a home across the harbour. He and a few other Seattle friends had homes there. It was summer cottage country for them. Below an example of cabins in Meyer’s Chuck.

One of the home owners was at work with a band saw cutting boards from a large yellow cedar tree. This cute shed contained their machinery and tools.

It was not as harsh a climate with many flowers blooming in early May.

At low tide, the shoreline was alive with creatures. Fun to be able to observe these organisms at negative tides, something we don’t have in Canada due to our different methods of recording tides.

Next morning, we were off to Santa Anna Inlet.
One comment in this post
Yay ye hardy sailors…. Love the photos and travel stories…